It is very much essential for growing children- Provides Proteins, fat & Minerals for  growth.
   It is essential for  elderly persons ,provides  Calcium in abundance.It is good for all age 
   groups- Natures best available Complete Food.
   Milk is an excellent blend of carbohydrate, fat and protein, all are easily digested. Milk protein
   is among the best in quality. Allergy,  if it occurs is rare!.  
   Milk is the nearest approximation of the complete food.Milk is the ideal food for all ages.
   A cup a day the minimum for adults, three cup a day for young and growing child make them healthy
   and bright.
          TONED MILK
   It contains 3.0 percent fat and 8.5 percent  non-fat solids. Ideal for  
   whitening tea/coffee and for the preparation of solid curd. Since the 
   milk is homogenised, whitening capacity is more and less amount of milk
   will be sufficient for whitening tea/coffee. The milk will not stick to
   vessels on heating and hence washing of used vessels is easier. Fat will
   not settle at the top since the milk is homogenised. 
   Available in 500 ml sachets.MRP:23.00
   Contains 4.5 percent fat and 8.5 percent non-fat solids. Ideal for the
   preparation of payasam and sweets. Fat will settle at the top if Milk 
   is kept still for some time since the milk is not homogenised. Available
   in 500 ml sachets..MRP:26.00
   It contains 1.5 percent fat and 9.0 percent non-fat solids.  Ideal for
   elderly people since fat content is low. Can also be used for whitening
   tea/coffee  and for the  preparation  of milk based drinks  like fruit 
   shakes. Fat will not settle at the top since the milk is   homogenized. 
   Available in 500 ml sachets.MRP:22.00