Union renders services of varied types to the farmers for their welfarw and enhancement of
Milk Production.
As per Calf adoption scheme of the Union,a sum of Rs. 1 Crore 37 Lakhs is being spent in the
four districts during the year 2009-10.
For Fodder development Union gives financial aidance to the farmers.Similarly financial
support is extended for Cattle feed Subsidy for a sum of Rs.30 Lakhs,Cattle feed Supply
for Mini Dairy Schemes,Cattle insurance for Milch animals and Free Dewormer to Mirch
In addition Benevolent fund scholarship to farmers' children , Cattle Insurance Treatment
facility to the cows are also provided
- Insurance coverage to milk producers against natural death and
accident death.
- Benevolent Schemes for bereaved families of active members.
- Scholarship for higher education to the children of milk producers.
- Production incentive and summer incentive.
- Revolving Fund to Societies for providing interest free loan to
farmers for the purchase of milch animals.
- Quality improvement program.
- Calf adoption programme to increase milk production.
- Heifer Adoption Scheme.
- Free Cattle Feed for Mini Dairy Farms.
- Insurance Subsidy for Milch animals.
- Subsidy for Milking machine.
- Cattle Feed Subsidy to milk producers.