RKVY stand for Rashtreeya Krishi Vikas Yojana.
It has a total outlay of Rs. 580.49 Lakhs.
SIQCMP standS for Strenthening infrastructure for quality and Clean Milk Production
It has a total outlay of Rs. 420.05 Lakhs
IDDP Stands for " Integrated Dairy Development Program".
It has a total outlay of Rs. 298.95 Lakhs
NPDD stands for "National Programme for Dairy Development".
It has a total outlay of Rs. 985.55 Lakhs
RBP stands for "Ration Balancing Programme".
RBP is implemented in two phases
RBP Phase I has a total outlay of Rs.191.22 Lakhs
RBP Phase II has a total outlay of Rs. 220.71 Lakhs
RBP is a Programme aided by World Bank
It is implemented under the control Of NDDB.
VBMPS stands for "Village Based Milk Procurement System"
It has a total outlay of Rs. 767.98 Lakhs
RBP is a Programme aided by World Bank
It is implemented under the control Of NDDB.